USER22 - JoomlaXTC Html Module
In the USER22 position we use our JoomlaXTC Custom HTML Module to display title text.
Use the following mark up:
USER22 - JoomlaXTC K2 Category Wall (optional)
In the USER22 position we use our JoomlaXTC K2 Category Module to create a grid of K2 Categories that is only shown when in mobile view. Our K2 Category Wall Module is a JoomlaXTC extension and is available to Extensions Club, Combo Plan, and Developer Club Members and in the single Template Purchase Full Package. It is also pre configured and loaded into the Quickstart install version.
In order to recreate the layout you will first need to upload the Module to your Joomla install. If you are using the K2 Category Module from the Template package you can select the tribune_categories_right_user22 template from the Demo Templates included in the Module. You will need to add the module suffix: mobileshow and make sure the layout option under advanced parameters is set to bootstrap.
For more information on styling and configuring the K2 Category Module visit the full documentation HERE