Tribune Times is a content rich News template using the Holy Grail of content - K2! and is the perfect content based template designed for vertical market success. No matter what market, Tribune Times has just what your customers need, from News Sites, to Blogs, to Magazines, to Online Portals, and any content rich website you can dream up. The template features (83) module positions,(45+) module style variations, (6) colorful preset styles, Font Face fonts + rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements and much more.
- Joomla 2.5 / 3x
- Apache 2.2+ or Microsoft IIS 7
- PHP 5.3+
- MySQL 5.0.4 or higher
- JoomlaXTC Framework
- 83 module positions
- 45+ module style variations
- Multiple Menu Styles
- CSS3 Effects
- JavaScript Effects
- Responsive Design
- Sticky Header Option
- Joomla Qucikstart Version
- JoomlaXTC Extensions
- PSD Source Files
- Joomla / K2 Overrides