Left2 - JHotelReservation
In the Left2 position we use the JHotel Reservation Module to create the Reservation Form. Select the vertical layout in the modules layout and set the style to default. Use the module suffixes 'mobilehide nopadlr nomarg'.
Left2 - JHotelReservation (Mobile)
In the Left2 position we also use the JHotel Reservation Module to create the Reservation Form for mobile. Select the horizontal layout in the modules layout and set the style to default. Use the module suffixes 'mobileshow basecolor1_box center'.
Left2 - JoomlaXTC HTML Module
In the Left2 position we use our JoomlaXTC HTML Module to create the Kayak Advert. Use the module suffixes 'hide1160 nomarg'.
Use the following mark up for the Module HTML.
For more information on configuring the HTML Module visit the full documentation HERE