USER37 - 39 - JoomlaXTC HTML Module
USER37 - JoomlaXTC HTML Module
In the USER37 position we use our JoomlaXTC HTML Module to create the Gap Advert. Use the module suffixes 'nopad nomarg mobilehide'.
Use the following mark up for the Module HTML.
USER38 - JoomlaXTC HTML Module
In the USER38 position we use our JoomlaXTC HTML Module to create the Expedia Advert. Use the module suffixes 'nopad nomarg mobilehide'.
Use the following mark up for the Module HTML.
USER39 - JoomlaXTC HTML Module
In the USER39 position we use our JoomlaXTC HTML Module to create the NYC Advert. Use the module suffixes 'nopad nomarg mobilehide'.
Use the following mark up for the Module HTML.
For more information on configuring the HTML Module visit the full documentation HERE