Take your business into the future with Motif - A beautiful business styled Joomla 2.5 and 3.0 template. Motif offers a clean and focused design, spiced up with the latest in CSS3 styles and effects. Perfect for just about any web project, Motif's design will compliment any project, from Web Hosting and Web Design to Communities, Computer Stores, Application sites and much more.
- Joomla 2.5 / 3x
- Apache 2.2+ or Microsoft IIS 7
- PHP 5.3+
- MySQL 5.0.4 or higher
- JoomlaXTC Framework
- 70+ module positions
- 60+ module style variations
- Multiple Menu Styles
- CSS3 Effects
- JavaScript Effects
- Responsive Design
- Sticky Header Option
- Joomla Qucikstart Version
- JoomlaXTC Extensions
- PSD Source Files
- Joomla / K2 Overrides