Virtuemart on Quickstart doesn't work
After installing a template quickstart containing the Virtuemart component, it does not work right on both frontend and backend.Because how Virtuemart works, the quickstart packages have to be build using a web address of "/" as Virtuemart store address.
Solution: Change this value by going to the "configuration/Security" menu option on Virtuemart, and edit the "Site URL" and "Secure URL" parameters with the correct value.
Alternatively, you can edit Virtuemart's configuration file directly: Using an FTP client or other means, open the file "administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php" in a plain-text editor, then look for these two rows at the top of the file text:
define( 'URL', '/' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '/' );
Change them to reflect the right URL for your site, for example:
define( 'URL', '' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );
Don't forget to set it properly if your site resides on a subfolder, for example:
define( 'URL', '' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );
Both URL values must have a trailing slash character.
Virtuemart should work fine after you save the changes.