When saving parameters, Joomla does not store them and/or jumps back to the administration page. This means Joomla is having problems processing the parameter data sent from your browser. Check for the following probable causes:
1. Upgrade to the latest Joomla! version if possible.
2. Your website has "Suhosin" PHP plugin. It is intended to protect your system however most of the time it is left at default settings by hosting companies. You can check for its presence by going to the "PHP Information" tab under "System / System Information" menu option in the administration area of Joomla. Ask your hosting company to disable the plugin or change all the array parameters to handle at least 10000 elements.
3. Your PHP settings are set too low, set or edit the following parameter like this:
max_input_vars = 10000
On certain scenarios you might have to increase the number to 15000.
4. When uploading files, make sure your system is capable of receiving them. To receive files up to 64 megabytes, set the following parameters to a value equal or greater than the file size you need to upload:
upload_max_filesize = 64M post_max_size=64M
5. Low PHP memory. Most hosting companies leave PHP configuration default values at a minimum. Check your PHP settings in the "PHP Information" tab under "System / System Information" menu option and look for the "memory_limit" parameter, we have found Joomla works best with values of 256, 384 or even 512 megabytes. Edit the parameter to look like this:
memory_limit = 384M
The most common place to add or edit these parameters is in your website's "php.ini" file, however you must ask your hosting provider about specific instructions since the process and file varies from place to place. Make sure the new values take effect by reviewing the "System / System Information / PHP Information" tab in your website's administrator area. If you still see the old values then it means your server and/or PHP subsystem have not read them properly yet and might require a web server reboot.