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JoomlaXTC Splash Panel V3.0

The JoomlaXTC Splash Panel is a versatile module for displaying Front Page Presentations, Company Location Maps, Stunning Product Displays, Tooltips, Panoramic Displays, Slideshow, 3 Dimensional Showcases and just about anything you can dream up. Using unlimited layers of Images, Html and FX, the limits of use are really all up to your imagination!

Uploading the package element:

The Splash Panel is a Joomla 1.5 module and is installed like all Joomla Modules via the Extensions Install area of your Joomla Administrator.

You will also need to create an image folder for your image elements in the main images/ folder of your joomla install. This folder should be named splashassets for the module to read your files.

How it works:

The splash panel is based on 5 base elements:


3-Background Elements

Title Element

52 Image Elements + Html + Audio + Tooltip + Pop Up effects

Foreground Image

You can layer these positions with css based z-index settings for eye catching showcases and add audio clips + Pop Up or Tool Tip Effects to each Element. Each Tool Tip/Pop Up can have it's own custom background or you can use the Tool Tip Effect as a Hover Image without any text or description. The Effects can layered in-between the Elements allowing for 3 levels of display for each element to give your presentation a 3D look and feel.

The Elements:

The Background can display a image of your choice jpg, png, gif. (Optional)

The 3 Background Images use javascript effects for smooth fades, horizontal slides, vertical slides, or panoramic image to add motion to your background.

The Title Element can be used as a title or as another element position.

Elements 1-52 can display any type of image or HTML or both with the HTML layer ontop of the image. A Mp3 clip can be assigned to each element and can be set to play a clip or the whole mp3 on mouse over. Each element can be linked to sub pages and has options for Tool Tip and Pop Up Effects .

The Foreground Image can be used as a screen to cover parts of your design for animation effects and much more.

Here is a quick example of the layers from our Dub Template:

Background Image with Balloon and Panorama Setting to give the Balloon Motion

Background Image and Title Element

Background Image, Title Element, and 9 Image Elements

The Completed panel

Background Image, Title Element, 9 Image Elements, and Foreground

Configuring the Module:



Module Width: The Width of the Panel Display in the module position

Module Height: The Height of the Panel Display in the module position

Background image: Main Background image width and height assigned by the module width and height



Tooltip and Pop

Up Settings


In Opacity: The Opacity of the Tips On (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Out Opacity: The Opacity of the Tips Off (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

In Animation Vertical: Vertical Tip Animation on fade in (use -1 for 1px up and 1 for 1px down)

Out Animation Vertical: Vertical Tip Animation on fade out (use -1 for 1px up and 1 for 1px down)

In Animation Horizontal: Horizontal Tip Animation (use -1 for 1px left and 1 for 1px right)

Out Animation Horizontal: Horizontal Tip Animation (use -1 for 1px left and 1 for 1px right)

In Duration: Duration of Opacity once Tip is fully loaded

Out Duration: Duration of Opacity once Tip is fully loaded

Fade In Opacity: The fade in effect for the tips fx (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Fade Out Opacity: The fade out effect for the tips fx (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Tip Pause: The time for the tip to pause before fade out (in milliseconds)

Tooltip Animation Mode: Quadratic, Linear, Cubicular, Quartetic, Quintic, Expoential, Circular, Sineousidal, Back then Forth, Bounce, Elastic Curve

Tooltip Ease Mode: Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In Ease Out

FLV Player


FLV Player: On or Off

FLV Width: Overall width for the player

FLV Height: Overall Height for the player

FLV X Position: Horizontal Position of player

FLV Y Position: The Vertical Position of player

FLV Z Index: Layer to display the Player on (0-1000000000......)

FLV Autoplay: On or Off

FLV Autoloop: On or Off

FLV Aspect Ratio:On or Off

FLV Seek: Show seekbar On or Off

FLV Show Controls: On or Off

FLV Watermark: Show watermark On or Off

Watermark Url:

Start Image: Start Image

FLV Video File: FLV File to play from your images/splashassets folder

Audio Player


MP3 Player: On or Off

Width: Overall width for the player

Height: Overall Height for the player

MP3 Player X Position: Horizontal Position of player

MP3 Player Y Position: The Vertical Position of player

MP3 Z Index: Layer to display the Player (0-1000000000......)

MP3 Track: MP3 to player from your images/splashassets folder

Skin: Mp3 skin file from your images/splashassets folder

Volume:Default Volume Level (Settings 1-100)

MP3 Autoplay: On or Off

MP3 Autoloop: On or Off

MP3 Show Stop Button: On or Off

MP3 Show Info Button: On or Off

MP3 Show Volume Button: On or Off

MP3 Show Progress Bar: On or Off

MP3 Show Loading Mode: Always, Autohide, Never

Loading Color: Loading Color

Background Color 1: Background Color 1

Background Color 2: Background Color 2

Button Color: Button Color

Button Hover Color: Button Hover Color

Progress Bar Color 1: Progress Bar Color 1

Progress Bar Color 2: Progress Bar Color 2

Progress Bar Hover Color: Progress Bar Hover Color

Text Color: Text Color

Background Color: Text Color

Progress Bar Width: Width of the Progress Bar

Progress Bar Height:Height of the Progress Bar

Volume Width: Width of the Volume Bar

Volume Height: Height of the Volume Bar

Bytes Limit: Limit of bytes per mp3





Background Width: Width of the background

Background Height: Height of the background

Background X position: Horizontal Position of Background

Background Y Position: Vertical Position of Background

Background Z-Index: Layer to display the background on (use 0-1000000000....)

Background Effect: Disabled (Disables background element), Automatic Panoramic, Hover Panoramic (Moves on Mouse Hover), Slider Horizontal, Slider Vertical, Smooth Fade.

Animation Mode: Quadratic, Linear, Cubicular, Quartetic, Quintic, Expoential, Circular, Sineousidal, Back then Forth, Bounce, Elastic Curve

Ease Mode: Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In Ease Out

Effect Duration: Duration for Slideshow use

Effect Speed: Speed of Slideshow

Effect Orientation: Panoramic effect settings : Right to Left, Left To Right, Top To Bottom, Bottom To Top, Sine, Quad

Effect Starting X:Starting Horizontal Position in Pixels

Effect Starting Y: Starting Vertical Position in Pixels

Background Images


In order to show images in the background elements you must add each image to the XTC Playlist System in the following format. Each image goes on its' own line with a line break for the new background layer.


background1 image

background1 image2

background1 image3

backround2 image

background2 image2

background2 image3

backround3 image

background3 image2

background3 image3

In this example each background element has 3 images to show in a slideshow fashion.

Realworld Example:










Foreground Element:

Foreground Image: The image selection from your images/splashassets folder

Image Width: Width of the element

Image Height: Height of the element

X Position: The Horizontal Position for the image

Y Position: The Vertical Position for the image


Element X: Turn Element On or Off

Element Image: The image selection from your images/splashassets folder

Element Width: The Width

Element Height: The Height

Element X Position: Horizontal Position of title

Element Y Position: The Vertical Position of title

Element Z-Index:

Element Link: Weblink for image

Element Audio: Mp3 Hover Audio from your images/splashassets folder

Audio Play: Continuous (Plays Whole Clip) On Exit Stop (Only Play When Mouse is in Hover)

Element Template: HTML for element - Use this area with the Element Image to place text ontop of the image or without for your own custom layout in HTML and CSS with Joomla Content Plugin support

Element FX Style: Popup, Tips, or none

Element FX Image: The background Image for the Tips and Pop Up Effect

FX Width: The Width of the FX Image

FX Height: The Height of the FX Image

FX X Position: The Horizontal Position of the FX Image

FX Y Position: The Vertical Position of the FX Image

FX Effect Z Level: Layer to display the Effect on (use 0-1000000000....)

In Opacity: The Opacity of the Tips On (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Out Opacity: The Opacity of the Tips Off (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

In Animation Vertical: Vertical Tip Animation on fade in (Use -1 for 1px up and 1 for 1px down)

Out Animation Vertical: Vertical Tip Animation on fade out (Use -1 for 1px up and 1 for 1px down)

In Animation Horizontal: Horizontal Tip Animation (Use -1 for 1px left and 1 for 1px right)

Out Animation Horizontal: Horizontal Tip Animation (Use -1 for 1px left and 1 for 1px right)

Effect Animation Vertical: Vertical Tip Animation (Use -1 for 1px up and 1for 1px down)

In Duration: Duration of Opacity once Tip is fully loaded

Out Duration: Duration of Opacity once Tip is fully loaded

Fade In Opacity: The fade in effect for the tips fx (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Fade Out Opacity: The fade out effect for the tips fx (use 0 to 0.9 for opacity settings)

Pause: The time for the tip to pause before fade out (in milliseconds)

Tooltip Animation Mode: Quadratic, Linear, Cubicular, Quartetic, Quintic, Expoential, Circular, Sineousidal, Back then Forth, Bounce, Elastic Curve

Tooltip Ease Mode: Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In Ease Out

ToolTip Template: Contents of the Tip - HTML/CSS with Joomla Plugin support

PopUp Template: Contents of the Tip - HTML/CSS with Joomla Plugin support


If you are using the latest version of Splash Panel and the Configuration is not saving this could be due to your servers RAM. Please check with your hosting company about this.

If you can not up your RAM on your server, you can resolve this issue by removing some of the element params in the template XML. There are currently 52 element positions in the Splash Panel - Removing some of them will help.

Make a backup of your mod_jxtc_splash.xml file first next open it

On or around line 732 of the mod_jxtc_splash.xml find

<param name="@spacer" type="spacer" default="Position Twenty" label="" description="" />

starting there remove everything until

<param name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="Module Class Suffix" description="PARAMMODULECLASSSUFFIX" />

This will limit you to 19 elements but should solve the issue. We are working on a advanced component / module version of Splash Panel that will make it compatible with all severs and hosting and make it much easier to edit.

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Didn't find an Answer?

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for from the links above.


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Warning: Illegal string offset 'style' in /mnt/data/vhosts/ on line 252

Didn't find an Answer?

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for from the links above.


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