HoverCraft Slideshow
The JoomlaXTC HoverCraft Slideshow is a slick CSS3 based slideshow that plays slides in fast frame by frame animation style on hover. The module allows you to craft your own stop motion animation sequence simply by upping your images to Joomla and setting the folder in the module and Voila! This module uses CSS3 animations and will only work on current browsers that support CSS animations - Sorry IE!
Install the module using the regular Joomla! extension installer.
Create a new images folder and name your images 1,2,3,4 and so on. The module will read images in numerical order for display.
Upload the folder of images to your root Joomla Images folder and open the HoverCraft Slideshow Module Manager
Next, select the folder from the dropdown and set your Width, Height, and Frame rate. Done!
Copyright 2011 Monev Software LLC