This responsive Joomla template includes features such as video or image hero areas, 60+ module suffixes, Font Awesome icons, 100+ module positions, bootstrap support, multiple layouts and impressive parameter settings.
It is with a mix of emotions that we pen this message to inform you that our journey with JoomlaXTC has reached its conclusion. We have decided to bring an end to our business operations, and effective immediately, JoomlaXTC will no longer be providing products, services, or support.
Please download any templates or plugin's before August 1st, 2023 as we close the website
A huge humble Thank You to all our loyal customers!
A responsive grid, full of component, JavaScript, and typography styles for a sleek and intuitive web experience.
The latest and greatest standard in design, CSS3 delivers the best in animation and visual effects at incredible speeds.
Our responsive designs automatically adapt to the best layouts for mobile viewing including the latest in retina devices.
Built with the XTC framework, our templates provide dozens of parameters for extensive customization with virtually no coding needed.
Deliver optimal content to mobile devices with device-dependant template layouts complete with their own menus, modules and visual styling.
Install a full Joomla! website containing demo content, styles and preconfigured extensions ready to get you going in minutes.
The template comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most powerful extensions making this a complete package ready for instant deployment
Our products work with the latest version of Joomla!
Unsure about your purchase? We offer a refund within 7 business days of your purchase.
Please read our Refund Policy or Contact Us if you need more information.